Charming qualities of the specialty coffee sector are constant evolution as well as dynamic and constructive dialogue within our community.
Twenty years ago, the SCA introduced the cupping protocol, which became a global standard for assessing the suitability of Coffea arabica seeds for to ultimately produce specialty coffee beverages. 2020 to 2022 this acknowledged standard was carefully revised on the basis of reviewing scientific literature, surveying worldwide cuppers’ perception of the 2004 system and collaborating with WCR on cuppers’ behavior.
At re:co 2023 in Portland the evolution of the cupping standard the new “Coffee Value Assessment” (CVA) was launched and is going to become the new global cupping standard.
The CVA represents a modern, inclusive and value-chain-oriented way to discover the various aspects that contribute to the value of coffee. It integrates, expands and – finally – improves the current resp. 2004 cupping system.
The “CVA Courses for Cuppers” are an essential part of the worldwide rollout of the new cupping standard.
What for?
If you are a coffee professional and you would like keep your methodological quality & skills state-of-the-art, you can learn and demonstrate your professionalism in mastering a state-of-the-art cupping methodology by attending, contributing to and passing the ‘CVA Course for Cuppers’.
The course format is designed to provide a 2-days-platfom for:
· Information and experience exchange among professional cuppers,
· Common discussions and joint learning about the new cupping system,
· Reflecting and improving of your own cupping methodology,
· Demonstrating your mastery of using the CVA and
· Being part of the global cuppers’ community and resembling a kind of sounding board for the CVA rollout.
“Everyone who identifies themself a cupper.”
… Please be careful with this wording: This is a professional level course.
There is no formal pre-requisite to join and we very appreciate everyone interested in the CVA. Being on a skill level of a CSP Sensory Professional or Q-Grader shall make it convenient for you to face the exams. But even without these formal qualifications, you should feel comfortable taking this course, if you are a producer, purchaser, roaster, consultant or instructor ‘in coffee’ and cup at least one time a month.
And you should appreciate validating and further improving your cupping methodology in an professional community atmosphere by collegial exchanges and applying the new standard.
Together, we are going on the same journey that the revision of the 2004 standard took. We will look at our own cupping behavior and that of other cuppers and discuss the pros and cons of the 2004 system. On this basis we will discover, practise and examine our mastery of
· Identifying and utilizing the new CVA sensory references,
· The 15-point intensity scales, CATA lists, and hedonic scales,
· Using the CVA Descriptive, Affective and Extrinsic Forms and
· Using the new CVA system as an inclusive and comprehensive evaluation tool – including the descriptive, affective, and extrinsic assessment.
Our course is a vivid mixture of sharing experience, short lectures, discussions, sensory and cupping exercises, self-reflection and exams.
We consider this course comparable to a CSP Sensory Professional course, but condensed to 2 days and not assessing your ability of delivering / “hitting” specific cupping scores, but rather showing high methodical quality in performing descriptive, affective and extrinsic assessments.
Group size:
Min: 3
Max: 8
Training hours: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
De prijs vanaf: €725,- (no vat)
You will also receive an invoice of the SCA of €25,-
Language: English
Hotel and Travels: De Koffieschool is located in Utrecht, the centre of the Netherlands. We are 30 minutes from the City Centre of Amsterdam by train and Schiphol Airport. There are plenty of hotels and airB&B possibilities. If you need any recommendation or help please contact us.
We have no training course planned. But when you are interested, sent us an email.
Certificering | |
Leervorm | Training |
Niveau | |
Specialisatie | |
Subsidie | ALIMENTO |
De Koffieschool
Koningin Wilhelminalaan 5
3527 LA Utrecht
de koffieschool 2024