
Joost Leopold


Utrecht | Koffieschool


Sustainable Green Coffee

how to become a sustainable coffee trader

This training course is meant for you if you are about to start or work as a coffee roaster or trader. If you just want to learn more about sustainable green coffee, you are more than welcome as well. In the course we talk about the journey the bean makes from farmer to harbor. And what the effect of coffee production and consumption is on the climate, the living income and the living conditions of coffee farmers.

After the training, the participant will have knowledge about:

  • the colonial history of coffee
  • the different varieties
  • the different production methods
  • the effect of climate change
  • trade and transport
  • the difference between industrial coffee (trade) and specialty coffee (trade).
  • quality grading
  • the social, economic and environmental challenges in the coffee sector
  • all stakeholders
  • thirth party certifications

Your cappuccino is delicious, but is it fair?

In this training we will discuss the three factors that influence a sustainable coffee future:

  • Economy
  • Climate
  • Social conditions

We treat all the above topics in an interactive way with discussions, practical assignments and games.

We hope that we can inspire you so that after the training you will go home with various ideas with which you can implement what you have learned in your work practice as a coffee professional.

The training lasts 2 days of 7 hours including breaks

The training is offered in groups.

Group size:

min.: 3

max.: 8

Training times: 9:30-16:30

The price: €648,00 VAT exempt

This includes:

  • Reader and/or the book “De Prijs van Mijn Koffie
  • Lunch

The invoice can be paid in installments, ask for the possibilities by email

SCA Certification costs: The training can be concluded with an online written SCA Sustainability Foundation exam. The costs for taking this exam are €50 and will be charged separately.

Language: English or Dutch When an English speaking participant registers for the training, it will be switched to English. If you object to this and you really only want to follow the training in Dutch, please contact us first: or 030-6336538. It is no longer possible to object after booking.

Exam: The written exam is taken online. Are you dyslexic or do you have another demonstrable reason why this is not possible for you, please indicate this when registering. We must request an exemption so that you can take the exam on paper or orally and with more time.

Resit: For the foundation level applies:

You have 2 attempts for the online written exam. If you fail both attempts, and you still want to obtain the certificate, you must register again for the relevant training.

Belgian participants who fall under ‘paritair committee 118/220’ can appeal to Alimento for an allowance for this training

Data cursus 2024


Sept 2 and 9

Oct 11 and 25

Dec 5 and 19



Jan 8 and 22


Additional information




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Price: € 648,- VAT Exempt | excl. SCA costs